遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in 华盛顿堡 PA




MG冰球突破官网’s commitment to building a strong, 充满活力的, engaged community has been the cornerstone of our school for more than 260 years.

In order to welcome students of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, we offer financial aid in the form of a tuition grant to families of admitted students who are not able to afford the full cost of tuition.

We invite you to learn more about financial aid at MG冰球突破官网 和 welcome your calls if you have any questions. 请致电267-405-7070,以便MG冰球突破官网帮助您!

The financial aid process 和 the admission process are by necessity very separate.

Requesting financial aid 和 developing a preliminary financial plan do not affect a student’s chance of being admitted.

  • MG冰球突破官网 believes strongly that advance planning is a very healthy approach to the admission 和 enrollment process 和 it allows families to enter the admission process with a clear picture of their options.  We offer preliminary financial aid meetings at the request of the applicant family. 


  • Financial aid is available to students in PreK through 12th Grade. For students in PreK-5th grades, tuition grants are typically limited to 学费不超过一半. Families who are experiencing financial hardship in a particular year are welcome to discuss their specific circumstances with the Director of 入学, 招生和助学金.

It is in every applicant’s best interest to adhere to all admission 和 financial aid deadlines.

  • While 遗传算法是 committed to supporting families with demonstrated financial need, we are not necessarily able to meet full need of all qualified c和idates.


  • Families should complete the financial aid process while also completing the admission process, however we are unable to offer an official financial aid award until an offer of admission is made. 
  • 父母/Guardians are responsible for the cost of an independent school education 和 for completing the admission 和 financial aid processes for their child(ren).



遗传算法是 now using the Clarity Application to determine a family’s level of financial need based on the information that families share in the application which includes assets, 收入, 费用, 和债务.

To get started, please review the FINANCIAL AID PROCESS below. The application typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete. The Clarity Application is also mobile-friendly so you can complete it from anywhere. You are also able to save your progress 和 return at any time. 在应用程序的最后, 提交需要缴纳60美元的费用, 和 you can share your application with additional schools that accept the Clarity Application for no additional charge. Simply use the dropdown menu in the application to select those schools.







Family Info Night Webinar Dates - All parents are invited to attend any of the following family information sessions to learn more about the Clarity application. 将提供网络研讨会录音.







谁来决定经济援助? 这些信息会保密吗?

Will I know my financial aid award before I must sign my enrollment contract?

